Wednesday, 23 November 2011

100 Great Things About America 75-100

Part 4 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 75-100 ]
76. The Great Lakes
77. Salt water taffy
Delicious even though they contain neither salt nor water
78. Roller coasters
Possibly the only 30-second activity worth a three-hour wait
79. HBO
Even if we're unsold on the vampire craze
80. The Everglades
Where else would you go to get drunk and wrestle an alligator?
81. Bonnie and Clyde
Do you and your honey bunny rob banks? No? Then sit down.
82. Chewing gum
But please, remember that it's a silent activity
83. The light bulb
And we just keep inventing better ones!
84. Religious freedom
From Pilgrims to scientologists
85. Bagels
If you've never tried one, come to New York and make your first one an H&H
86. Judd Apatow films
87. The Billboard 100
Measuring our music since 1958
88. Chipotle
And the guacamole really is worth the extra $2.25
89. Dalmatians on fire trucks
Black and white and red all over
90. Disney movies
Not yours, Nicholas Cage. The old school, animated ones
91. New Year's Eve
Every country has one, but they all watch Times Square
92. Elvis Presley
A hound-dog and the King
93. Cowboys
94. Turducken
A true American delicacy: a chicken in a duck in a turkey
95. Netflix
The only movie rental survivor
96. Spring Break
We plead the Fifth
97. Escalators
First used commercially in Yonkers, NY in 1899—who knew?
98. Stand-up comedy
Unless you are singled out
99. Redwood trees
The oldest is 2,200 years old
100. Bendy straws
Invented by a Cleveland entrepreneur—and perhaps Ohio's most significant contribution, though we tip our hats to the Wright Brothers and its 8 U.S. Presidents
101. Charlie Brown
Sorry, Charlie, maybe next time you'll crack the top 100
Happy Birthday America!


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